Sustainable Ag Expo Speaker Resources - Day 1
Here are some resources relevant to the speakers and topics from day 1 of the Sustainable Ag Expo!
Terry Bates, Cornell
Assessing Grapevine Nutrient Status from Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Hyperspectral Imagery
Bumblebee: A Path Towards Fully Autonomous Robotic Vine Pruning
Evaluation of the Concord Crop Load Response for Current Commercial Production in New York
Terry Bates, Cornell
Donnell Brown, President, National Grape Research Alliance
John Roncoroni, UCCE Weed Science Farm Advisor, Emeritus
Brent Warneke, Oregon State University
Become a safer, more effective and more efficient sprayer operator
How to Do Regular Maintenance on Air Blast Sprayers to Ensure Proper Care for Specialty Crops
Pesticide Redistribution and Its Implications on Pesticide Efficacy
Kendra Baumgartner, UC Davis
Susceptibility of Cultivated and Wild Vitis spp. to Wood Infection by Fungal Trunk Pathogens
Vineyard floor management affects soil, plant nutrition, and grape yield and quality
Brent Sams, Research Scientist I-II, E. & J. Gallo Winery
Daily Mapping of 30 m LAI and NDVI for Grape Yield Prediction in California Vineyards
The Grape Remote Sensing Atmospheric Profile and Evapotranspiration Experiment
Dr. Andrew McElrone, USDA ARS and UC Davis
Mechanical Failure of Fine Root Cortical Cells Initiates Plant Hydraulic Decline during Drought
Predicting Stomatal Closure and Turgor Loss in Woody Plants Using Predawn and Midday Water Potential
Sugar and abscisic acid signaling orthologs are activated at the onset of ripening in grape
Dr. Akif Eskalen, UCCE
Biopesticides to Manage Pierce's Disease Trialed at UC Davis
Multiple Botryosphaeria species causing ‘Dothiorella’ gummosis in citrus
Emily Symmes, Suterra
119: Vine Mealybug 101: Species Identification, Lifecycle, and Scouting to Create an IPM Program
Courtship Behavior of Bemisia argentifolii (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and Whitefly Mate Recognition
David Haviland, UCCE
Chemical Control Programs for Drosophila suzukii that Comply With International Limitations on Pesticide Residues for Exported Sweet Cherries
David Haviland
Evaluation of Monitoring Traps for Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in North America
The susceptibility of small fruits and cherries to the spotted-wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii