Speaker Highlight: Dr. Vaughn Bell
Speaker Highlight: Dr. Vaughn Bell

Speaker Highlight: Dr. Vaughn Bell

Grapevine Leafroll Viruses: The New Zealand Experience

October 14 - November 29    I    Online Course

Dr. Vaughn Bell's doctoral thesis, An Integrated Strategy for Managing Grapevine Leafroll Virus in Red Berry Cultivars in New Zealand Vineyards, included management recommendations that have been communicated to, and widely adopted by, the New Zealand wine sector. This presentation summarizes those discoveries.


Vaughn Bell is a Senior Scientist working for The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research. Since 2004, a research interest has been sap-feeding mealybugs in vineyards, with an emphasis on their ecology, biology, and ability to transmit (vector) grapevine leafroll viruses. By examining the inter-relationship between the vine, virus and vector, his findings contributed to the development of a practical and financially sustainable virus management approach in New Zealand.



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