Speaker Spotlight
Speaker Spotlight: Dr. Andrew McElrone, USDA ARS and UC Davis
Dr. Andrew McElrone is applying his training in plant ecophysiology and ecohydrology to study grapevine water-use in California vineyards. The ultimate goal of his research program is to improve water-use efficiency of vineyard ecosystems, where water demands for irrigation continue to increase while water supply quality decreases in many growing regions.
EXPO SESSION I 11.14.23 I 9:00-10:00 AM
Myths, Misperceptions and Motivations for Precision Vineyard Management: A Panel Discussion
In this session, we’ll look at AI- and sensor-enable yield estimation, precision irrigation and water management from space and all the variable rate management and decision support in between, and explore the sometimes bumpy path of these technologies from developers’ intention to grape-growers’ toolbox.
View the full in-person program.